One Church of the Nazarene


Whether you are young or old. Married or Single. We hope you will feel encouraged by the warm loving community we have at One Church.

As you plan your visit with us, here are some things to help you feel at home!

What is the worship like?

We begin each service with a mixture of current worship songs and traditional hymns led by our Worship team. Whether you lift your hands in praise and sing a long or stand in quiet reflection, we hope you will feel God’s presence.

What kind of message will I hear?

You will hear an encouraging Bible-based message.

What should I wear?

At One Church, you will see everything from Sunday Best to Casual Wear. We do not have a dress code! We want you to wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Are there classes for teens?

Yes! One Church Youth (6th-12th Grade) meets together at 11:30AM in our One Church Youth area. The youth attend are regular Sunday Morning service at 10:00AM alongside the adults. We also have a One Church Youth meeting at 6:45PM on Wednesdays in the One Church Youth area.

Is children’s ministry available?

Yes! One Church Kids is a place where your kids can have fun, grow, and discover just how much God loves them. We have classes for Nursery, Toddler & Preschool available. For kids K - 5th Grade we have Kids Worship available.

What kind of experience will my kids have?

While you experience inspiring worship and teaching in the Worship Center, your children can learn a Bible lesson tailored to their age and participate in fun activities with other children in a secured area.

When you arrive, you can sign them in at the One Church Kids check-in area at Info Central or at the Once Church Kids desk in the Kids Department.

We do have a security system in place to make sure all One Church Kids are protected and cared for at all times.

Because of this security system we do ask that you fill out some basic information while checking in your child the first time. This is solely for the purpose of keeping your kids safe at all times.

If you are interested in visiting soon with kids, you are welcome to message us with any questions or concerns you might have. You also can also message us if you would like to fill out the form for checking your kid in at One Church Kids, online before they come to help make your Sunday Morning as easy and smooth as it can be.

Our church email is:

Please feel free to message us anytime with any questions you might have for us here at One Church of the Nazarene